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Firefighter Training

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*All courses facilitated by Certified TSWCA Instructors
THREE SISTERS WILDFIRE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (TSWCA) has signed into agreement and holds a current and valid Memorandum of Understanding “MOU” with the Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group (PNWCG) to conduct and facilitate NWCG courses & curriculum. Therefore, the NWCG and its cooperating agencies will recognize course completion certificates and accept the training provided by TSWCA.
TSWCA and its member instructors have been providing a quality service to the Wildland Firefighting profession both private and agency for over 2 decades. During this tenure we have trained thousands of Firefighters from entry level to advanced positions in the ICS System.  
TSWCA was founded on the premise of providing the highest quality instruction in our industry and continues to operate under this tenant.
 Guided by and following the principles set forth in PMS 907, PMS 901, NWCG 310-1 and the MOU, TSWCA   remains dedicated to providing the highest level of training within the guidelines, and to the high standards that the NWCG and PNWCG mandate for individuals in the Wildland Firefighting profession.
 Achieving a Safe, prepared, well informed and productive work force through professional training has been and will continue to be our goal.